Spices Board Legal Consultant Recruitment 2025- Apply Now

Spices Board invites offline application for the post of legal consultant for 1 post on contract basis, for a period of 1 year with age limit not exceeding 64 years as on the notification. Candidates who are interested in the vacancy read the full notification of the post carefully and check their eligibility criteria before apply offline.

Spices Board Legal Consultant Recruitment : While applying for the post the Candidate should ensure that he/she possesses the minimum educational qualification meant for the post as on the date of advertisement and he/she is eligible for the post which is mentioned below. Offline application for the post is starting from 6 January 2025 to 25 January 2025, Apply offline from the official website www.indianspices.com or the direct apply link is given below.

The important dates for Spices Board Legal Consultant Recruitment is mentioned below. These dates includes Application start date, Deadline dates, Application fee pay date, Exam date, Admit card date, Result date etc.

Application Start Date6 January 2025
Last Date for Apply Offline25 January 2025
Age limit is Calculated as on 06/01/2025. You must meet the minimum and maximum age requirement to be eligible for Spices Board Legal Consultant Recruitment. Please make sure you fall within the specified age range before applying.
Age LimitNot exceeding 64 Years

Spices Board Recruitment for legal consultant for 1 post is mentioned in the table.

Post Name No. of Vacancies
Legal Consultant01

Educational Qualification & Experience detailed information is provided in the table format check all the details for the post before apply offline.

Post Name QualificationExperience
Legal ConsultantHaving Bachelor’s Degree/Master’s Degree of law from a recognized university or institute.Minimum 10 years’ of post qualification experience in handling court cases of any Central or State Government
Initially for 01 (one) year, with a likelihood of extension depending on performance, requirements, and mutual willingness.
Head Office, Kochi.
Rs. 45,000/- to Rs.60,000/- consolidated pay based on Qualifications, Experience, and assessment/recommendation of the Selection Committee.
Flexible working hours of Four Hours a day, either (forenoon-09:00 AM – 01:00 PM) or (afternoon -01:30 PM -05:30 PM),five days a week.
Based on the performance subject to a maximum ceiling of Rs.60,000/-
Interested and eligible applicants may forward the duly filled in application form in the prescribed proforma, along with all required documents, and send it to the following address :-
The Director (Administration), Spices
Board, Sugandha Bhavan, N.H. By Pass,
Palarivattom P.O. Kochi – 682025
on or before 25.01.2025, 05:00 pm. The envelope containing the application form should be clearly labelled “Application for the post of Legal Consultant”.
Application can also be sent by e-mail to the following email address: spicesboardlegal@gmail.com
Apply OnlineApply Now Application Form
Download NotificationPDF Notification
Official WebsiteSpice Board

1. How to apply for legal consultant in spices board?

Send the filled application application to the following address :-
The Director (Administration), Spices
Board, Sugandha Bhavan, N.H. By Pass,
Palarivattom P.O. Kochi – 682 025

Application can also be sent by e-mail to the following email address: spicesboardlegal@gmail.com

2. What is the salary of a legal consultant in spices board?

Salary of a legal consultant range between Rs. 45,000/- to Rs.60,000/ per month.

3. What are the working hours of legal consultant in spices board?

Flexible working hours of Four Hours a day, either (forenoon-09:00 AM – 01:00 PM) or (afternoon -01:30 PM -05:30 PM),five days a week.

4. What are the work job location for legal consultant in spices board?

Head Office, Kochi.