Editors Recruitment in Bombay High Court 2025 opportunity

Bombay High Court is invited applications from indian citizens for the Recruitment in Bombay High Court as Chief Editor, Editor, Deputy editor, Assistant editor for the editorial section of bombay digital law report to be published by the bombay high court for 13 posts on contract basis for 12 months. Last date of submission of offline application is 10 January 2025.

Recruitment in Bombay High Court : While applying for the post the Candidate should ensure that he/she possesses the minimum educational qualification meant for the post as on the date of advertisment and he/she is eligible for the post which is mentioned below. Candidates who are interested in the vacancy read the full notification of the post carefully and check their eligibility criteria before apply offline. The application submitted by Speed Post only will be accepted. Any application submitted through email or by hand or any other mode will be disqualified.

Recruitment in Bombay High Court

The important dates for Recruitment in Bombay High Court is mentioned below. These dates includes Application start date, Deadline dates, Application fee pay date, Exam date, Admit card date, Result date etc.
Application Start Date3 January 2025
Last Date of Apply Offline10 January 2025
Post NameVacancies
Chief Editor1
Editor2 (1 each for English and Marathi
Deputy editor4
Assistant editor6
Post Name Qualification
Chief Editor* must be a Retired District Judge, preferably Super-time/ Selection Scale/ Retired Secretary (Legislation)
* A Candidate must have attained the age of forty five years and must not have attained the age of seventy years as on the date of publication of Advertisement.
EditorMust be a Retired District Judge/ Retired Secretary (Legislation)/retired Principal/Professor of Law Colleges/ retired Officer of Law Commission in the pay scale equivalent to Super time scale/ State Legal Advisor, who has retired within past 5 years on
superannuation only and having no post retirement assignment.
Deputy editorMust be a Retired Judicial Officer, who has retired within past 5 years on superannuation only and having no post retirement assignment. The retired
Judicial Officers who have taken voluntary retirement and those who are compulsorily retired/ discharged from service in probation/ review premature retired or dismissed shall not be considered.
Assistant editorMust be a Retired Judicial Officer, who has retired within past 5 years on superannuation only and having no post retirement assignment. The retired
Judicial Officers who have taken voluntary retirement and those who are compulsorily retired/ discharged from service in probation/ review premature retired or dismissed shall not be considered.
Post NameSalary/Remuneration
Chief EditorRs. 1,50,000/-
EditorRs. 1,00,000/-
Deputy editorRs. 80,000
Assistant editorRs. 60,000/-
  1. MS-CIT or any other equivalent certificate issued by the Government recognized institute.
  2. The candidate must possess minimum skills to perform work for the post using computers and technology deployed for publication and search portal.
  3. The candidates must have sufficient knowledge of English as well as Marathi language to enable him to read, write and speak and translate from English into Marathi and vice versa.
  4. As per the number of aspiring candidates, the Competent Authority may conduct the test of preparing summary of Judgments in English and/or Marathi.
  5. The candidates holding grades shall provide grades converted into percentage from the concerned Educational Institutions.
  6. The educational and other qualifications as well as experience acquired as on the date of publication of the advertisement shall be taken into consideration for eligibility and further selection.
  7. The list of eligible candidates and the date of test/interview will be published on the official website of the Bombay High Court at http s ://bombayhighcourt.nic.in.
  8. At the time of interview, the eligible candidates shall submit two passport size photographs and the copies of Original Documents along with duly attested photocopies of the documents thereof as mentioned in the online application and proof regarding conversion of grades into percentage, if applicable, for verification etc.
  9. High Court may verify the documents submitted by the candidate from
    issuing authority.
  • Certificate or proof of date of birth (School Leaving/ Birth Certificate/ S.S.C. Examination Certificate etc.)
  • Retirement Order/ P.P.O.
  • Medical Fitness Certificate of Civil Hospital
  • Certificate issued by the institutions mentioned in the Advertisement showing proficiency in computer.
  • Domicile Certificate in State of Maharashtra
Recruitment in Bombay High Court : The applicant shall send the duly filled in prescribed proforma along with medical fitness certificate of Civil Hospital on or before 31st December, 2024, by Speed Post only to the Office of the Central Project Co-Ordinator, High Court at Bombay, 6th Floor, G.T. Building Compound Complex, Mumbai – 400 001.
Apply NowApplication Form
NoticeClick Here
Recruitment ExtendedExtended Notice
Download NotificationPDF Notification
Official WebsiteBombay High Court

1. What is the offline application start date of bombay high court?

Ans. Offline application start date is 3 January 2025

2. What is the last date of apply offline for bombay high court?

Ans. Last date for apply offline is10 January 2025

3. How many vacancies are available in bombay high court?

Ans. Total 13 posts are available in bombay high court recruitment.

4. List of documents to be sent by Speed Post for bombay high court recruitment?

* Certificate or proof of date of birth (School Leaving/ Birth Certificate/ S.S.C. Examination Certificate etc.)
* Retirement Order/ P.P.O.
* Medical Fitness Certificate of Civil Hospital
* Certificate issued by the institutions mentioned in the Advertisement showing proficiency in computer.
* Domicile Certificate in State of Maharashtra