NLC Recruitment Electrical Supervisor, Electrician 2024 -Apply Now
Post Name : NLC Recruitment on Various Posts 2024.
Post Details : Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited(NLC Recruitment) has released an official notification for the posts of Electrical Supervisor & Electrician on 7 posts of NLC online application starts from 11 December 2024 to 30 December 2024. Those candidates who are interested in the vacancy can read the full notification of the post and check their eligibility criteria before apply online.
Diploma / Degree in Electrical Engineering / Electrical & Electronics Engineering from Universities / Institutes recognized by AICTE or any other appropriate statutory authority in India.
Minimum 01 year post qualification experience after obtaining Competency Certificate in carrying out repairs, overhauling and maintenance of HT/LT Systems / Installation, HT / LT Machinery, equipment and gadgets inside / outside plants, building including overhead and underground transmission lines, cables, transformers, circuit breakers, panels, switch boards and their accessories and allied equipment.
Passed 10th Class Examination with ITI (full time) in the trade of Electrician from Govt. recognized institute.
NLC Recruitment Exam pattern 2024
Electrical Supervisor F1-S grade
Maximum Marks
Subject Knowledge
Quantitative Aptitude, Verbal Ability, Reasoning, Data interpretation and General Awareness
100 marks
Electrical F2-W grade
Maximum Marks
Subject Knowledge
Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning and General Awareness
100 marks
How to Apply for NLC Recruitment 2024
Candidates fulfilling all the eligibility criteria may login and apply / register online in the portal available in NLCIL website.
Candidates should apply only through online mode in NLC India Limited website
Before registering / applying online, the candidates should ensure that they have mobile number and valid & active personal email ID and keep them active for the entire duration of selection as NLCIL will send all selection related communications only through SMS / email till the selection process is completed.
Candidates have to upload required scanned copies of documents / certificates in prescribed format to establish their eligibility, failing which the application is liable for rejection.
Candidates applying for more than one post should apply and submit separate Registration-cum-Application Form & receipt for fee along with the requisite enclosures for each post(s).
Candidates should submit single application only for any post. In case of multiple applications / registrations for any post, the last registered application shall only be considered.
Candidates should ensure that they have uploaded the required documents before submitting application, for their benefit, after uploading a document, “View Document” option will be provided in the on-line portal to check.
After submitting application through ONLINE, candidate should take a print out of registration cum application form and produce it along with self-attested copies of certificates / documents, at the time of Document / Certificate verification.
Scrutiny of applications for short listing of candidates for Selection will be solely based on documents / certificates uploaded by the candidates at the time of registration / submission of application through ONLINE.
No manual / paper applications will be entertained and candidates are advised not to send any hard copy to this office.
The Online application portal will be active from 10:00 hours on 11/12/2024 to 17:00 hours on 30/12/2024.
Documents required at the time of Online Form Filling/Documents verification for NLC Recruitment 2024
Proof of Date of Birth(Birth Certificate (or) SSLC / Matriculation Mark Sheet).
Copy of AADHAR Card.
SSLC/10th/ Matriculation Mark Sheet.
HSC / 12th Marksheet (if applicable).
Proof for possessing notified Qualifications i.e. Provisional Certificate or Diploma/Degree Certificate (or) ITI Certificate.
Consolidated or Semester/Year wise Mark Sheet(s) of Diploma/Degree (or) ITI in chronological order.
Certificate in proof of having studied Local Language: Proof of having medium of study in local / regional language or having studied local / regional language as one of the subjects (i.e Hindi)
Copy of Community Certificate in case of candidates belonging to SC/ST categories.
Proof for Ex-Servicemen in case of Ex-Servicemen only.